Henry Kpotor is a committed and an enthusiastic young guy who has a large heart for volunteering for social work in our community. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and Sociology from Ghana’s top university, the University of Ghana. As a Psychologist Assistant, he is currently volunteering at the Korle Bu Teaching Hospital’s Department of Psychiatry to assist with research, counseling, and education about medication use and side effects.
His enthusiasm for lifelong learning and self-improvement in relation to people and society has earned him a position with the Beats Foundation, which focuses on eradicating the scourge of single parenting and children raised by single parents as well as the best ways to prevent such situations. He works as an executive assistant for the Refresh-RX Foundation, an organization that focuses on poor school performance in schools, mental health in prisons and maternal mental health in hospitals and the community. With five years of experience working with numerous NGO’s, a strong team effort is essential for projects to be completed successfully. Therefore, the Beats Foundation has been a terrific platform for collaborating with other NGO’s to achieve great success in our society.